Shirley Long

Pastor Josh and his wife Valerie began their ministry in Tillamook in March 2019. Growing up a PK (pastors kid) he distinctly remembers telling God he would live his life to serve Him and do anything except for becoming a pastor. Following the tragic death of his best friend his senior year of high school his youth pastor and church were there to support him and the rest of the community. He saw the impact the church had on his life and the lives of his friends and knew in the depths of his soul God was calling him so that he could be used to impact lives in a similar fashion.

He received his Bachelors degree in Christian Ministry with a minor in Youth Ministry from Northwest Nazarene University in 2009 then received his Masters of Arts in Missional Leadership, also from NNU in 2011. He was Ordained as an Elder in the Church of the Nazarene in 2012. He has also done some studies and received some certificates in counseling over the years.

Pastor Josh + Valerie have 3 amazing kids. When him and his family are not in church he enjoys yard work, building and fixing things, working with his hands, hunting, hiking, sitting around a fire with friends and family and just about anything that involves food. Him and his wife are truly a strong team. Valerie is currently working on turning their home into a full on farm and they enjoy camping, outdoor activities and building deep meaningful relationships and friendships with people.

He really enjoys the book of James and feels like he resonates well with Paul along with the gospels, especially Matthew 5-7 and hearing the actual teachings of Jesus. Jeremiah 29:11 is a verse his mom used to pray over him and has become somewhat his life verse.

Linda Nowak

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Margaret Gupta

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